Ridgy and labrador dogs (A vida e a morte dos nossos cães)

20-05-2008 14:00

Dogs have accompanied me from the last seven years and are now my great passion.

I couldn't imagine a life without a dog.

And naturally everybody thinks about his faithful friend: My dog is the best.



Os modelos animais da anatomia artistica

Os companheiros dedicados de todas as horas

Os guardas das traseiras da vivenda



         Hello dear Friend of Art:
 It is my pleasure to announce our Fiarte/Arteuropa 2011 (1/4/2011)
 If you are interested to participate please have a look at the conditions and send your works. 
Any comments, questions and suggestions are welcome! 
With my best wishes from Coimbra. 
            Mamede Albuquerque

 President of the Coimbra´s Artistic Movement



         2003 - 2009

The fun, joy and happiness you gave us will never die.

 (Uma saudosa e doce labrador côr de mel)

RIP - numa negra sexta-feira, dia 13/2/2009, com sarcoma de células fusiformes do delgado (hemangio/leiomiossarcoma).